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Beitrag von Streitberg »


wie es ausschaut ist Bertone erneut in ernste Probleme gekommen.
Mike Robinson hat das Unternehmen zwischenzeitlich verlassen.
Unten ein Bericht von folgender Internetseite aus Anfang Dezember 2013 .
Neuere Berichte hab ich noch nicht gefunden.
Tja, damit dürfte auch fraglich sein ob es in Genf in wenigen Wochen einen
Bertone Prototyp gibt.

Servus Andreas
http://www.leftlanenews.com/coachbuilde ... utpcy.html
Bertone's design arm is on the brink of bankruptcy following years of mounting losses.

Although it has produced concept cars for almost every major European auto show held in the past few years, Bertone's order book has been nearly empty for a long time and it is operating in the red. A new sub-division called Bertone Workshop that aims to build one-off cars at the request of the lucky few that can afford it also failed to win over customers, so the company's 165 workers have reportedly been furloughed without pay and ten interns have been sent home for good.

A court administrator is in the process of finding a new buyer for Bertone. An unidentified company based in Turkey has expressed an interest in buying the design firm and its assets for the relatively low sum of €2 million (approximately $2.7 million). The deal will be presented to an Italian judge over the coming days and, if approved, Bertone will file for bankruptcy early next year in order to facilitate the change of ownership.

If the Turkish deal falls through, Italian media outlets are reporting that seven other parties have voiced an interest in buying the company but none have been identified.

Once one of Italy's most prominent coachbuilders, Bertone was hit hard by the financial crisis that rocked the European economy in 2008 and it was forced to separate its production arm from its design arm in order to stay afloat. The production business was purchased jointly by Fiat and the Italian government shortly after the split and it returned to profitability by producing the Ghibli and the Quattroporte for Maserati.

Read more: http://www.leftlanenews.com/coachbuilde ... z2sdgDMnaG