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Intrax Complete Suspension Kit, Costum made

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Beiträge: 30
Registriert: 31. Mär 2007, 21:40

Intrax Complete Suspension Kit, Costum made

Beitrag von Abarth »

I am sorry, but i dont now how to wright in german.
But i think people here may find it intresting...

Looking for a good brand new Complete Suspension Kit, Costum made.
Special for your Fiat bertone X1/9, the best you will get for your money.

Then read on...

Let me start with the beginning. (a Short Intro).
Intrax Finds its historic with the start off the legendary White Power Suspension (WP).
Most people will now it from there suspensions for Motocross and moto racers.
Highpoint In the (WP) historic, is the First two World champion chips from michale schumacher, in the Beneton F1.
On that point the owner found time to stop, and sel his company.
the company became too large, and he had no more time to do, where its heart lay.
Building special Suspensions kits from the root

but blood goes where going is not possible. And intrax was born.
A small company, with all experiences from the past 30 years of racing.
Henk Thuis now enjoy it again, and so again his company grows......
That happens when you build great and good things

"Intax Most advanced suspension"
Track-proven suspension with more than 30 years experience on the highest level.

The Kit for our Fiat/bertone x1/9 (for street and track use).
  • "RSA Kit" ; “2-way adjustable steel / INOX mono tube: high end damping-systemâ€
Beiträge: 1678
Registriert: 13. Nov 2006, 19:44
Wohnort: Schipkau

Beitrag von Acki »

Preis ist zu teuer. 5 Stück und ab 1-1300 Euro gibts von K-Systems mit TÜV was komplett aus Alu usw. usf. besser als das da oben.
Beiträge: 30
Registriert: 31. Mär 2007, 21:40

Beitrag von Abarth »

Hi Acki,
Do you have a link with more info about the K-Systems??

Btw, the Intax is also Alu..
Diabolic GTS
Beiträge: 3972
Registriert: 11. Feb 2007, 11:03
Wohnort: Dietikon bei Zürich ( Schweiz )

Beitrag von Diabolic GTS »

Hallo zusammen

Ich bin ja kein Fan von Gewindefahrwerken aber wen es dan eines sein soll, dann lieber gerade sowas.

Fiat X19 Race Housings

$599/set of 4 No exchange required.

Fit your Fiat X19 with above Koni race shocks with custom race struts. These upgrading strut tubing diameter and shorten the strut for more ride travel. Stock geometry for legality in Street Prepared or that killer street setup. Shocks and coil-over kits extra.

Struts with non-stock geometry are available on custom order. Koni double adjustable racing strut compression adjustments can be accessed without removing from the car as shown below.

Limited lifetime* warranty for workmanship applies.



Coil-Over Kits/Stock Strut Conversions

Convert your stock or Koni Sport struts to coil-over design for the ultimate in spring rate selection and ride height.

Coil-over kit includes weld-on perch, threaded collar, adjustable, lockable bottom perch, and thin top perch. Set of four..................................................................................$327.20

Eibach springs, set of four...................................................$280.00

Complete custom strut fabrication is available for fitting Koni Racing shocks. For more details, refer to the



Diese werde ich auch in meinen nächsten X Prototyp verbauen.

Gurss Raffi 8)
Zuletzt geändert von Diabolic GTS am 6. Jul 2007, 20:27, insgesamt 2-mal geändert.
Profil Name
Beiträge: 3831
Registriert: 8. Sep 2002, 14:16
Wohnort: Frankfurt

Beitrag von Profil Name »

Hier der Link für K-Sport...

Das werde ich wohl als Gewindefahrwerk bald in Angriff nehmen :roll: 8)

Beiträge: 30
Registriert: 31. Mär 2007, 21:40

Beitrag von Abarth »

Diabolic hat geschrieben:Hallo zusammen

Ich bin ja kein Fan von Gewindefahrwerken aber wen es dan eines sein soll, dann lieber gerade sowas.

Fiat X19 Race Housings

$599/set of 4 No exchange required.

Fit your Fiat X19 with above Koni race shocks with custom race struts. These upgrading strut tubing diameter and shorten the strut for more ride travel. Stock geometry for legality in Street Prepared or that killer street setup. Shocks and coil-over kits extra.

Struts with non-stock geometry are available on custom order. Koni double adjustable racing strut compression adjustments can be accessed without removing from the car as shown below.

Limited lifetime* warranty for workmanship applies.



Diese werde ich auch in meinen nächsten X Prototyp verbauen.

Gurss Raffi 8)
Hi Diabolic
If you read the site from Gforce good, then you will see its not complete.
For the complete Gforce kit included withs springs an camberplates, its more the 3000 euro!!!

Thx Coolman for the link.
But i don't see anything for the X1/9,
The price is for the Punto.
For the X they must also be special made, what are the cost then???

But they do look great to...

In the post i make ad the start off this topic.
You can read, that its not something they make in a hurry.
You get really high quality, all will be dyno tested before selling.
But Yes they are expencive, but if you see what you get in return...

Just place all suspensions that now are availible for the X
next to each other, take the prices, and look to the differents.
Then you must see, that a price for a Complete Full Suspension Kit, incl with camberplates, for 2500 € is not that wrong.
And it has the same technologies as the koni fsd shocks!!!
Profil Name
Beiträge: 3831
Registriert: 8. Sep 2002, 14:16
Wohnort: Frankfurt

Beitrag von Profil Name »

Hi, there is nothing for the X1/9. But there is a technical Report for a other Fiat Modell, a Punto.
And, i think, its OK for the German TÜV...

And the Price is very interesting, its "only" 1245 Euro 8) :roll:

Beiträge: 1678
Registriert: 13. Nov 2006, 19:44
Wohnort: Schipkau

Beitrag von Acki »

I have spoken to K-Sport (sorry that I wrote K-Systems). 5off units and you have it with TÜV/MOT. Complete adjustable!
It's the best you can get I MY mind!
I'm in some days a offical dealer of K-Sport. I must send them my company details but no time :D

That's why it's better:
Beiträge: 30
Registriert: 31. Mär 2007, 21:40

Beitrag von Abarth »

Oke, better.. but what is the price then????
Don't give me a price for the Punto......

by the way...
4x complete struts with springs from intrax are starting with a price off 900 euro...
what i have posted, are completly special made, i have that posted here, in case someone is searching for the top what is posible for his/her X/9.
I now, finding info is hard to find.

I dont talk bulshit, and give clear ansewers in the post.
Not something for a another car, not some strange prices...

But if someone have other options (cheaper, or better, then pleas post them, bit PLEASE give clear info.
No half post like those from GForce, indeed they are verry goodd, but the price is much higher dan 2500 €

Some more info off the Intax Kit.
45mm INTRAX McPherson STRUTS

STRUTS are an essential part in the McPherson front wheel- steering-construction.
STRUTS have to provide linear guiding and turning movement at the same time.
STRUTS determine installation stiffness as well as sensitivity almost up to 100%.

Intrax recently introduced a new strut concept with a revolutionary combination of these features;
Heart of this strut-concept is an advanced 45mm hard chromed sliding tube.

Incorporated is a “floating base bearingâ€
Beiträge: 1678
Registriert: 13. Nov 2006, 19:44
Wohnort: Schipkau

Beitrag von Acki »

I don't know the price for the X because I have no X :D
But the standard prices are from 1145-1245 Euro. Only the Porsche (2000 Euro) and some Mercedes (1345 Euro) Kits cost more.
You Kit looking good but some guys need the TÜV/MOT, I don't think that the price is the problem.

So halte mich wieder raus bevor ich wieder Ärger kriege...
Beiträge: 30
Registriert: 31. Mär 2007, 21:40

Beitrag von Abarth »

If you need the TÜV/MOT i will ask him over a 4 weeks how things works then, no problem.

Intrax builds most off the time only for race cars shocks.
But its worldwide, streetcars and then the one in high end (ferrari maserati lamborghini etc..

one more tip.
Look good to the picture i have posted.
its not a thin between te springs,

The K-sport
The Intrax (this is a lot stiffer!

But you gone be a dealer from K-sport, thats good news,
Sent them your company info, and order 5 kits ;-)
There will always be need off good springs, kayaba have enounced that will stop producing for the X.....

Ps. And
So halte mich wieder raus bevor ich wieder Ärger kriege...
Don't worry, i have a thick skin, and only if we make things clear, then others understand (maby) a bit more off it all..
So, no hard feelings Acki 8)
I will just like you make things so clear as possible
Beiträge: 511
Registriert: 17. Mär 2006, 16:51

Beitrag von Youngtimer »

Tja, Herr "Cool Mann" es ist wie immer die Hände waren mal wieder schneller als der Kopf, 8) was nutzt Mr. Abarth der Preis von einem Punto Fahrwerk rein garnichts, denn der Punto hat nur zwei Federbeine und der X hat deren vier was ja ausreichend bekannt sein dürfte. Kann mir nicht vorstellen das ein Hersteller das dann zum gleichen Preis anbieten kann und wird vom Gutachten ganz zu schweigen.
Bis dann mal man sieht sich !!! :wink:
Site Admin
Beiträge: 5343
Registriert: 7. Sep 2002, 08:40
Wohnort: 74189 Weinsberg

Beitrag von Dierk »

Das sieht alles sehr lecker aus, aber wenn sie eingebaut sind, spielt die Optik leider keine Rolle mehr. :D
Mein BeBe ist leider silberfarben aber das war ja dann recht billig, wenn man es mit den anderen hier vergleicht. Man muss immer dran denken, dass ein Teilegutachten dabei war.
Profil Name
Beiträge: 3831
Registriert: 8. Sep 2002, 14:16
Wohnort: Frankfurt

Beitrag von Profil Name »

Youngtimer hat geschrieben:Tja, Herr "Cool Mann" es ist wie immer die Hände waren mal wieder schneller als der Kopf, 8) was nutzt Mr. Abarth der Preis von einem Punto Fahrwerk rein garnichts, denn der Punto hat nur zwei Federbeine und der X hat deren vier was ja ausreichend bekannt sein dürfte. Kann mir nicht vorstellen das ein Hersteller das dann zum gleichen Preis anbieten kann und wird vom Gutachten ganz zu schweigen.
Bis dann mal man sieht sich !!! :wink:
Entschuldigung bitte, das ich lebe und meine eigene Meinung zum Thema BEBE Fahrwerk habe...

Beiträge: 1958
Registriert: 31. Okt 2004, 15:57
Wohnort: Bensheim

Beitrag von Thommy124 »

Hi Abarth,

I have some questions on the camber/caster adjustion:
- the mechanism seems to add some height, is there still enough clearance to avoid any touch conditions with the hood closed properly ?
- does the opening where damper rod comes through provide enough space for the complete sliding way or will it need to be enlarged ?
- is there enough clearance to the "dome" in the wheelarches to allow for further inlination of the suspension unit? With the standard parts the clearance looks quite tight to me, maybe the sport springs are smaller in diameter?


Beginne jeden Tag mit einem Lächeln - dann hast Du's hinter Dir!
Beiträge: 30
Registriert: 31. Mär 2007, 21:40

Beitrag von Abarth »

Hi Thommy124

The camber plates will be custom made when i park my car by intrax.
The picture i posted was just to illustrate and as example, it have nothing to do with a x1/9.
After that, i can tell exact how things are done.
But the meaning is a street bolt on, no cutting our anything else.

By the way, the camber plates are the most expensive, around the 250 € each (1000€ 4 pieces)
i will check the prices exactly, so all options are clear.
The sport springs will be a lot smaller.

when i was by intrax, i just want to have so much options as possible.
From there on i posted the info that Intrax giving me, on other forums, so people can react.
I will collect all that reactions, and will place it on the meeting table when i go back to intax,
Beiträge: 30
Registriert: 31. Mär 2007, 21:40

Re: Intrax Complete Suspension Kit, Costum made

Beitrag von Abarth »

[quote="Abarth"]I am sorry, but i dont now how to wright in german.
But i think people here may find it intresting...

Looking for a good brand new Complete Suspension Kit, Costum made.
Special for your Fiat bertone X1/9, the best you will get for your money.

Then read on...

Let me start with the beginning. (a Short Intro).
Intrax Finds its historic with the start off the legendary White Power Suspension (WP).
Most people will now it from there suspensions for Motocross and moto racers.
Highpoint In the (WP) historic, is the First two World champion chips from michale schumacher, in the Beneton F1.
On that point the owner found time to stop, and sel his company.
the company became too large, and he had no more time to do, where its heart lay.
Building special Suspensions kits from the root

but blood goes where going is not possible. And intrax was born.
A small company, with all experiences from the past 30 years of racing.
Henk Thuis now enjoy it again, and so again his company grows......
That happens when you build great and good things

"Intax Most advanced suspension"
Track-proven suspension with more than 30 years experience on the highest level.

The Kit for our Fiat/bertone x1/9 (for street and track use).
  • "RSA Kit" ; “2-way adjustable steel / INOX mono tube: high end damping-systemâ€