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Club X1/9 Italia

In diesem Forum kann alles Mögliche über X1/9 besprochen werden. Ob man neulich einen bestimmten X auf der Autobahn gesehen hat, einem die Gebrechlichkeit des Fünfganggetriebes auf die Nerven geht, alles was in keins der anderen Foren reinpasst.
Beiträge: 77
Registriert: 18. Feb 2009, 19:02
Wohnort: Torino, Italy

Club X1/9 Italia

Beitrag von Daniele »


The X1/9 has a new big club: 'Club X1/9 Italia'.

Despite the recent institution, the club has much older roots; in-fact, it origins from a grown and evolved passion shared by a group of amateurs known as icsunonove.it.

'Club X1/9 Italia' aims to increase the value of the model through meetings, events and the internet forum. It's an important point of reference to have assistance, technical and bureaucrat advices, and for spare parts. By subscribing to 'Club X1/9 Italia' you become part of a big group of people who share and spread the passion for X1/9 and its brands.

'Club X1/9 Italia' is a nonprofit organization. It's officially registered and recognized by Bertone. It has its own official logo (the stylized profile of the X1/9 with the italian flag).
The base of 'Club X1/9 Italia' is in Turin, a not random choice considering that it's the city where X1/9 is born and where Fiat and Bertone are located. The administration office is located in Asti city. The club, currently presided by Gandolfo Madonia, is present and active on the all national territory thanks to its referents and collaborators. The club is also in close collaboration with every X1/9 clubs in the world.

'Club X1/9 Italia' has its own web site in which all the updated information and activities are published: www.clubx19.it

Bild Club X1/9 Italia
web: www.clubx19.it - www.clubx19.com
email: contatti@clubx19.it
