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how wide is a dallara

Diskutiere hier Möglichkeiten Deinen Wagen zu verbessern. Egal ob es nur die Montage zeitgenössiger Alufelgen oder ein Komplettumbau auf Gruppe 4 ist, jeder Beitrag hier ist willkommen.
gti for rally
Beiträge: 5
Registriert: 21. Sep 2006, 12:33

how wide is a dallara

Beitrag von gti for rally »

as im thinking of racing a X in some historic form i need to now how wide the dallara kit is. As a gr.4 car im only allowed to make the car 5 cm widder per side meaning max 10 cm i all.

the prototipo is 11 cm widder but i cant find any figurs for the dallara.

any body nows it?
Beiträge: 4109
Registriert: 7. Sep 2002, 21:15
Hat sich bedankt: 1 Mal
Danksagung erhalten: 3 Mal

Beitrag von Querlenker »

5cm is nothing, I think it is between 10 and 15 cm per side.
Just a guess, I was around a Dallara-bodied X all weekend :-)

You could probably modify the flares to be narrower, but why not just use small wheel arch flares rather than a full body kit?
Gruß Querlenker

Emerson Fittipaldi - Formula 1 World Champion 1972-1974 :
"...I'm not exaggerating, the X1/9 drives just like a Formula 1. I've not often tested a car with road holding as good and as 'true' as this..."
gti for rally
Beiträge: 5
Registriert: 21. Sep 2006, 12:33

Beitrag von gti for rally »

okay, thanks Ulix

the reason for wanting to use the dallara style fenders is purly cosmetic, i like you now.

i think i will use the prototipo style then even though they look crudder, rallystyle with rivets and so...

thanks anyway :wink: